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What Are Opposite Words in English and How Do They Expand Vocabulary?


A word that holds the opposite meaning to another word is what you call an antonym. Understanding antonyms aids in expanding your vocabulary by providing alternative expressions. In diversifying your word choices, you add depth and distinctiveness to your communication style.

We all know how English language plays a crucial role in every part of our lives like communication on a daily basis. It also helps us enrich our vocabulary which helps in clearer expression and understanding. Getting good at english landing, including antonyms, synonyms, phrases, idioms, and homonyms, is not impossible if you are focused on learning and practising.

Visual aids are very useful when it comes to learning about opposites. For instance, pairing words like “tall/short” with corresponding images of tall and short individuals facilitates instant comprehension. In this article we will learn about what are opposite words in English, fun ways to learn opposite words, advantages of learning them, and how they enrich our vocabulary.

Understanding Opposites

An antonym serves as a linguistic tool, representing the converse meaning of another word, such as “hot” and “cold.” They act as enchanting elements in language, enhancing the words in better ways. Antonyms elevate our communication skills, infusing vibrancy into our speech and writing. They function as vivid pigments for our language palette, enriching its dynamism and expressiveness. Learning antonyms equips us with clandestine linguistic abilities, empowering us to communicate and narrate stories in an engaging manner.

Moreover, the concept of opposites can be further reinforced through a variety of interactive activities, including word tasks and card games. After introducing lists of opposite pairs to your students using the charts provided below, consider engaging them in the suggested activities to enhance their grasp of these concepts.

Given below is a simple list of pair of opposite words from letters A-Z:

Letter Word Opposite word
A Alive Dead
A Always Never
B Big Small
B Brave Scared
C Clean Dirty
C Come Go
D Dark Light
D Day Night 
E Easy Hard
E Enter Exit
F Fast Slow
F First Last
G Good Bad
G Give Take
H Happy Sad
H Hot Cold
I In Out
I Inside Outside
J Joy Sorrow
J Join Separate
K Kind Mean
K Known Unknown
L Laugh Cry
L Love Hate
M More Less
M Many Few
N New Old
N Near Far
O Open Cloe
O Out In
P Push Pull
P Pretty Ugly
Q Quiet Loud
Q Quick Slow
R Run Walk
R Right Left
S Smart Dumb
S Start End
T True False
T Tall Short
U Under Over
U Up Down
V Victory Defeat
V Visible Invisible
W Wet Dry
W Win Lose
X Xtra Less
Y Yes  
Y Young Old
Z Zero Many


Benefits of Learning Opposites

Exploring antonyms, which are words with opposite meanings, is akin to uncovering a treasure trove of linguistic abilities. Let’s delve into why delving into antonyms is such an exciting endeavor.

Expanding Vocabulary:

Understanding antonyms is a priceless toll for children to richen their vocabulary. When they understand the opposite of a word, it is very similar to discovering a new addition to their lexicon. For example, if they understand “hot,” they also gain insight into “cold,” widening their word bank and language proficiency.

Better Comprehension:

The knowledge of antonyms helps in enhanced understanding for kids since they are into reading or listening activities. By learning about pairs like “happy” and “sad,” they gain a deeper comprehension of nuances and emotions in language, enhancing their skill to understand texts and conversations effectively. 

Improved Communication:

Antonyms empower children to articulate their thoughts with precision and accuracy. By employing opposite words, they can vividly describe objects, feelings, or situations, thus enhancing their communication skills. For example, instead of stating “not quiet,” they can confidently express “loud,” conveying their message more succinctly.

Enhanced Critical Thinking:

Engaging with antonyms stimulates critical thinking skills in children as they contemplate the relationships between words and their opposites. It presents a linguistic puzzle, encouraging them to analyze and synthesize information, fostering cognitive development and problem-solving abilities. 

How Opposites Expand Vocabulary

There are numerous methods to enhance and broaden your English vocabulary, but delving into antonyms offers a practical and distinctive avenue for improvement.

Go with synonyms

If you want to make your vocabulary better, then make sure you are not just acquiring new words but also taking note of their synonyms. Synonyms are words that have alike meanings and they offer insight into the subtle distinctions between words and their opposites.

Keep a Thesaurus handy

Make it a practice daily to start learning about new words and their meanings by looking into a thesaurus, whether in physical or digital form. A thesaurus is an priceless resource that helps immensely in vocabulary expansion and pushes a deeper understanding of the intricacies of the English language. Simply look up a word and find its opposite – it is as easy as that.

Understand the underlying context

Mastering the art of using antonyms requires a nuanced understanding of their context within sentences or paragraphs. Enhance your skills by immersing yourself in reading and observing how authors employ antonyms. With consistent practice, your vocabulary will undergo significant improvement.

Pair learning would help

Adopt the strategy of learning new words and their opposites as complementary pairs. This method enhances comprehension of both the word and its antonym. Practicing these pairs in sentences aids in retention and reinforces their meanings.

Draw connections between words

Seek out connections and similarities among antonyms to facilitate vocabulary acquisition. Pay attention to shared roots or prefixes, enabling you to decipher the meanings of unfamiliar words with ease and accuracy.

Time to incorporate word games

Try to increase the fun of practicing antonyms by getting into word games like crossword puzzles, word association games, and vocabulary quizzes. These games and activities are not just fun, but they also sharpen your critical thinking ability, induce depth in your understanding and memory of antonyms.

Review the words and repeat

Establish a habit of regularly reviewing antonyms to enhance comprehension and retention of new words. Utilize effective tools like flashcards or digital vocabulary applications to reinforce learning.

Keep exploring and researching

Foster curiosity and actively seek opportunities to encounter new words and their opposites. Diversify your reading across various genres and subjects, remaining open to learning from diverse sources. When you are exposed to a broad variety of vocabulary, you directly enrich your language proficiency and communication skills

Such techniques and strategies helps in opening ways to easily explore new words, expand your vocabulary, and embark on a fulfilling journey of language development through the exploration of antonyms.

Where can you use opposite words?


Utilize antonyms in narratives to add depth and intrigue to characters and events. For instance, instead of stating “The brave knight faced a fierce dragon,” consider incorporating contrasting descriptors for enhanced storytelling.


Inspire children to employ antonyms when describing objects or phenomena. Encourage them to explore alternatives like “huge” or “tiny” instead of simply using “big,” fostering richer language expression.


Teach children the art of comparing things using antonyms. For instance, they can contrast temperatures by saying “Your ice cream is cold, and mine is hot,” promoting nuanced observation and communication skills.


Enhance poetry by incorporating antonyms into verses. For example, consider crafting lines such as “The bright sun dances with the nigh” to infuse poetic imagery and depth through the juxtaposition of contrasting elements.

Tips for overcoming obstacles and mastering opposites

Given below are some fun activities that will help in overcoming obstacles of learning antonyms and in no time will children master opposites.

1.Group Idea Generation

Begin by exploring the vast array of opposites! Encourage brainstorming sessions in groups, where students can document their opposite pairs on paper. Alternatively, facilitate a class-wide brainstorming activity, noting down their opposites on the board. To add complexity, focus on specific parts of speech. For an engaging twist, divide students into teams and set a challenge to identify 10 opposites first, or the most within a given timeframe, to determine the winning team.

2. Opposite Matching

Engage students in matchup tasks to reinforce understanding of opposites. Write opposite terms on small cards, mix them up, and distribute them to pairs or groups for sorting into matching pairs. Another approach is to list one set of opposite pairs on the left side and the other set on the right side of a paper or board. Students can then draw lines to connect the corresponding opposites, ensuring the order is randomized to prevent direct matching.

3. Completing Opposite Lists

Facilitate a paired or individual activity where students write one-half of an opposite pair in a column on the left side of a paper. Encourage them to generate 10 words, specifying a particular part of speech if desired. Next, students pass their paper to another pair or individual, who then attempts to complete the list by providing the opposite words for each pair.

4. Opposite Memory Game

Utilize card games, such as Go Fish or Memory, to reinforce opposite word recognition. For the Memory game, prepare sets of same-sized cards with one word on each card, ensuring each word has an opposite counterpart. In class, arrange the cards face-down in a grid for each group. Students take turns flipping over two cards, aiming to match opposite pairs. The student with the most pairs at the game’s conclusion emerges as the winner!


In summary, introducing children to the realm of opposite words can offer an immensely enjoyable and interactive learning experience. Through a diverse array of activities, games, and resources, we can expand their vocabulary, improve their cognitive abilities, and cultivate a deeper understanding of language. Utilizing opposite words not only enriches their communication skills but also encourages critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity.

Let us embark on this captivating journey of finding and researching opposite words with our children, igniting their curiosity and nurturing their passion for learning along the way. With the appropriate tools and a playful approach, we can transform language learning into a delightful adventure for kids, empowering them to express themselves confidently and accurately as they navigate the world around them.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. What are opposite words in English?

An opposite word, also known as an antonym, represents a contrasting meaning in relation to a specific word. These pairs of words express opposing concepts or ideas, creating a complementary relationship in language.

2. How can learning opposite words improve my vocabulary?

From an early age, children benefit greatly from learning opposites, as it enhances their language skills. This process aids in vocabulary development, comprehension across various contexts, and articulating thoughts with greater precision. Delving into opposite words fosters critical thinking in children by encouraging them to analyze and differentiate between contrasting concepts.

3. Where can I find lists of opposite words for studying?

There are lots of online resources from where you can find lists of opposite words for studying. You can also get books and online videos from youtube to learn antonyms.

4. Are opposite words also known as antonyms?

Yes, antonyms, alternatively called opposite words, are terms with opposite or closely contrasting meanings. For instance, the antonym for ‘hot’ is ‘cold’. An antonym refers to a word with a meaning that contradicts another word; it’s commonly labeled as a “contrasting word”.

5. Can understanding opposite words help in understanding context and meaning in texts?

Antonyms are words that express contrasting meanings. In the context of understanding unfamiliar words, an opposite meaning context clue juxtaposes the meaning of an unfamiliar term with that of a familiar one. Transition words like “although,” “however,” and “but” often indicate the presence of contrast clues.

Benefits & Importance of Yoga in a Child’s life


Yoga is an ancient practice that originated in India and has been around for thousands of years. It is a holistic system that includes physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama), meditation, and ethical guidelines for living (yamas and niyamas). Yoga aims to harmonize the body, mind, and spirit, promoting physical health, mental clarity, and emotional well-being.

In recent years, yoga has gained widespread popularity among people of all ages, including children. This is due in part to the growing awareness of its numerous health benefits, including improved flexibility, strength, and balance, as well as reduced stress and anxiety. Additionally, yoga is often seen as a gentle and accessible form of exercise that can be practiced by people of all fitness levels.

Yoga for kids, also known as “yoga for children,” is a specialized form of yoga that is tailored to the unique needs and interests of young practitioners. It often includes playful and imaginative elements, such as animal-themed poses and storytelling, to engage children and make the practice fun and enjoyable. Yoga for kids also emphasizes mindfulness and self-awareness, helping children develop important life skills such as self-regulation, concentration, and empathy.

Overall, yoga for kids is a valuable tool for promoting physical health, mental well-being, and emotional resilience in children. As the practice continues to gain popularity, more and more parents, teachers, and caregivers are recognizing its benefits and incorporating it into their children’s lives.

Meaning & Origins of Yoga

Yoga, an ancient practice, has its roots in India, dating back thousands of years. The word “yoga” is derived from the Sanskrit word “yuj,” meaning to yoke or unite. The philosophy behind yoga is to create harmony between the mind, body, and spirit. The primary text on yoga is the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, which outlines the eight limbs of yoga: yama (ethical principles), niyama (self-discipline), asana (physical postures), pranayama (breath control), pratyahara (withdrawal of the senses), dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation), and samadhi (union with the divine).

Over the centuries, yoga has evolved and adapted to meet the needs of different practitioners. While the traditional practice of yoga focused on spiritual enlightenment, modern yoga has become more accessible and inclusive. One of the ways yoga has evolved is in the development of specialized practices for different populations, including children.

Yoga for kids has become increasingly popular in recent years, as parents and educators recognize the benefits of yoga for children’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Yoga for kids often incorporates playful and imaginative elements to engage children and make the practice fun and enjoyable. For example, children’s yoga classes may include animal-themed poses, storytelling, and games.

In addition to being fun, yoga for kids also helps children develop important life skills, such as self-regulation, concentration, and empathy. The practice of yoga encourages children to be mindful of their bodies, thoughts, and emotions, which can help them navigate the challenges of growing up.

Overall, yoga has evolved to suit children’s needs by becoming more accessible and inclusive. By incorporating playful and imaginative elements, yoga for kids engages children and makes the practice fun and enjoyable. Yoga for kids also helps children develop important life skills, such as self-regulation, concentration, and empathy, making it a valuable tool for promoting physical, mental, and emotional well-being in children.

Top 10 Benefits of Yoga in a Child’s life

Yoga is an ancient practice that has been gaining popularity among children due to its numerous benefits for their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are the top 10 benefits of yoga in a child’s life:

1. Physical Fitness

Yoga helps children develop strength, flexibility, and balance, which are important for overall physical health. The various yoga poses work different muscle groups and help children maintain a healthy weight. Yoga also encourages children to be mindful of their bodies and how they move, which can help them develop better coordination and proprioception, the ability to sense the position and movement of one’s body.

2. Emotional Regulation

Yoga teaches children to be mindful of their emotions and how to manage them in a healthy way. Through breathing exercises and relaxation techniques, children learn to calm their minds and reduce stress and anxiety. This can be particularly beneficial for children who are dealing with academic pressure or other stressors.

3. Improved Concentration and Focus

The practice of yoga requires children to concentrate on their breath and body, which helps improve their attention span and focus. This can be beneficial for academic performance and everyday tasks. Yoga also encourages children to be present in the moment, which can help them develop a sense of mindfulness and awareness.

4. Increased Self-Confidence

As children master new yoga poses and techniques, they gain a sense of accomplishment and self-confidence. This can help boost their self-esteem and overall sense of well-being. Yoga also teaches children to accept themselves and others without judgment, which can help them develop a positive self-image.

5. Better Sleep

Yoga can help children relax and unwind, making it easier for them to fall asleep and stay asleep. The practice of yoga has been shown to improve sleep quality and reduce insomnia. By introducing children to yoga at a young age, they can develop life-long healthy habits and a positive outlook on life.

6. Enhanced Social Skills

Yoga classes provide children with an opportunity to interact with others in a positive and supportive environment. This can help improve their social skills and ability to work as part of a team. Yoga also encourages children to be compassionate and empathetic towards others, which can help them develop strong relationships and a sense of community.

7. Stress Reduction

The breathing exercises and relaxation techniques taught in yoga can help children manage stress and reduce feelings of overwhelm. This can be particularly beneficial for children who are dealing with academic pressure or other stressors. Yoga also teaches children to be present in the moment, which can help them develop a sense of mindfulness and awareness.

8. Improved Body Awareness

Yoga encourages children to be mindful of their bodies and how they move. This can help them develop better coordination and proprioception, the ability to sense the position and movement of one’s body. Yoga also teaches children to accept themselves and others without judgment, which can help them develop a positive self-image.

9. Enhanced Emotional Resilience 

Yoga teaches children to be present in the moment and to accept themselves and others without judgment. This can help them develop emotional resilience and a positive outlook on life. Yoga also encourages children to be compassionate and empathetic towards others, which can help them develop strong relationships and a sense of community.

10. Life-Long Healthy Habits

By introducing children to yoga at a young age, they are more likely to continue practicing it as they grow older. This can lead to a life-long commitment to health and wellness. Yoga also teaches children to be compassionate and empathetic towards others, which can help them develop strong relationships and a sense of community.

In conclusion, yoga offers numerous benefits for children, including improved physical fitness, emotional regulation, concentration, and self-confidence. It also provides opportunities for social interaction, stress reduction, and enhanced body awareness. By introducing children to yoga at a young age, they can develop life-long healthy habits and a positive outlook on life.

Relation of Yoga and Academic Performance

Regular yoga practice has been shown to have a positive impact on academic performance. Firstly, yoga helps children develop better concentration and focus, which are essential for learning and retaining information. The practice of yoga requires individuals to be present in the moment, which can help them stay focused during class and while studying. Additionally, the breathing exercises and relaxation techniques taught in yoga can help children manage stress and reduce feelings of overwhelm, which can improve their ability to concentrate and perform well academically.

Furthermore, yoga teaches children to be mindful of their bodies and how they move. This can help them develop better coordination and proprioception, the ability to sense the position and movement of one’s body. This improved body awareness can translate to better performance in physical activities and sports, which can also have a positive impact on academic performance.

In addition to physical benefits, yoga also has mental and emotional benefits that can positively impact academic performance. Yoga encourages children to be compassionate and empathetic towards others, which can help them develop strong relationships and a sense of community. This can lead to a more positive school environment, which can improve overall academic performance.

Mindfulness is a key component of yoga and has been shown to have numerous benefits for learning and memory. Mindfulness involves being fully present in the moment and accepting one’s thoughts and feelings without judgment. This can help children stay focused during class and while studying, which can improve their ability to learn and retain information. Additionally, mindfulness has been shown to improve working memory, which is the ability to hold and manipulate information in the mind over short periods of time. This can help children perform better on tests and other academic tasks that require working memory. Overall, regular yoga practice can have a positive impact on academic performance by improving concentration, reducing stress, and promoting mindfulness.


Yoga offers a multitude of benefits for children, including improved physical fitness, emotional regulation, concentration, and self-confidence. It also provides opportunities for social interaction, stress reduction, and enhanced body awareness. By introducing children to yoga at a young age, they can develop life-long healthy habits and a positive outlook on life. Parents and educators are encouraged to explore yoga as a tool for holistic development in children, as it can help them thrive physically, mentally, and emotionally.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

1. At what age can children start practicing yoga?

Children can start practicing yoga as early as 3-4 years old. It’s important to choose classes specifically designed for their age group, which often incorporate playful and imaginative elements to engage young children.

2. How long should a yoga session last for children?

A yoga session for children can last anywhere from 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the child’s age, attention span, and physical ability. Shorter sessions are recommended for younger children, gradually increasing as they grow older.

3. Can yoga improve my child’s behavior?

Yoga can improve a child’s behavior by teaching them mindfulness, self-regulation, and emotional awareness. It can help them manage stress and anxiety, develop empathy, and build confidence, leading to positive changes in behavior.

4. Where can I find a qualified children’s yoga instructor?

A qualified children’s yoga instructor can be found through local yoga studios, community centers, schools, or online platforms that specialize in children’s yoga. Look for instructors who are certified in teaching yoga to children and have experience working with kids.


The Essential Features of the Best CBSE Schools in Bangalore

As parents, choosing the right school for our children is one of the most important decisions we make. Education is essential for today’s youth, as it not only impacts their grades and college choices, but also shapes their social behavior and future path in life. When selecting a school, it is important to consider a range of factors, including teaching standards, school infrastructure, curriculum, safety, fees, and location. To assist in this decision-making process, we have compiled a list of the top features of the best CBSE schools in Bangalore. 

1. Primary Languages taught  

Learning multiple languages is a common feature of top CBSE schools in Bangalore. Children have a natural ability to learn new languages at a young age, and the best schools take advantage of this by offering multilingual classes and activities. Being proficient in multiple languages can provide numerous benefits for students, especially in today’s globalized world. These schools often integrate language learning into the curriculum through interactive sessions and fun activities, helping students to develop their language skills in an enjoyable and engaging way. 

2. Value for eLearning and Technologically Advanced Classrooms 

In the digital age, it is essential for education to stay current with technological advancements. Bangalore’s top CBSE schools have incorporated technology into their regular lessons. The teaching curriculum at the Asia Pacific World School, or APWS, incorporates smart campuses with modern infrastructure installed all across the campus. The school’s classrooms are equipped with tablet computers and television panels so that students can participate in a visual learning experience and understand the value as well as the disadvantages of technology at a young age. 

3. Great Playschool  

Many international or top CBSE schools in Bangalore are focusing on establishing excellent preschool programs for children between the ages of 3 and 6. These schools aim to create a supportive and nurturing environment where young children can learn and grow, while also being exposed to nature and transitioning from the comfort of their homes. Some schools also offer specialized libraries for children and have implemented features such as play facilities and stimulating classrooms to enhance their foundational education. Overall, these efforts aim to provide a well-rounded and enriching educational experience for young children. 

4. Small Classrooms & Great Faculty 

Small class sizes have been a standard practice in top CBSE schools, such as Asia Pacific World School, to promote individualized instruction. To ensure that each child receives personalized attention, a small group of students is assigned to one teacher. In addition, these schools have hired qualified professionals with reputable backgrounds and extensive experience to serve as faculty members. Guest faculty members from Bangalore and other countries are also invited to teach at these international schools, providing a unique learning experience for the students. 

5. Affordable Fees 

 In the past, parents in Bangalore have often found international schools to be prohibitively expensive, with high tuition fees. However, at Asia Pacific World School, we believe that education is a necessity, not a luxury. As a result, several top international schools in Bangalore, including Asia Pacific World School, have reduced their tuition costs to make international education more accessible to a wider range of families. 

6. Diverse Group of Students 

Bangalore is a diverse and rapidly changing city, and many parents choose to enroll their children in schools that provide a diverse and inclusive learning environment. This helps children learn about and respect people of different races, nationalities, and religions by exposing them to a variety of cultures. Asia Pacific World School is one such school that offers this type of learning environment. 

7. Modern Campuses 

Many top CBSE schools in Bangalore not only have cutting-edge technology, but also feature environmentally conscious green campuses. In this setting, students learn about environmental preservation and the value of nature, which helps to mold them into responsible, eco-conscious citizens. 

8. Attention to Special Needs 

Top CBSE schools like Asia Pacific World School prioritize the needs of students with learning disabilities and provide extra attention to ensure their success. These schools are committed to creating an inclusive educational environment for all students.

9. Scholarships 

 International CBSE schools in Bangalore have recently begun offering scholarships to students in grades 1 through 12. These scholarships are awarded to deserving students based on their academic and extracurricular achievements, which is a departure from traditional practices. Schools may provide scholarships that cover up to 80% of the cost of attendance. Typically, institutions evaluate each scholarship applicant fairly, considering both academic and extracurricular accomplishments before granting scholarships and financial aid. 

Why Choose Asia Pacific World School (APWS), The Best CBSE School in Bangalore? 

These are some advantages of selecting Asia Pacific World School: 

1. Trustworthy CBSE Schools 

 Bangalore is home to prestigious schools and universities that offer top-quality education, as well as being known for its rapidly growing and evolving IT sector. One such reputable and trusted school is Asia Pacific World School (APWS), which provides an environment and facilities that enable students to build a successful career from a young age. The state-of-the-art, student-centered curriculum at APWS equips children with the innovative learning resources they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world. APWS students excel in a variety of fields thanks to their exceptional skills and knowledge.  

2. Utilizing Modern Technology 

 The state of Karnataka has a long history of producing talented individuals, and many cities in the state strive to cultivate a talent pool. With a large number of tech companies in the area, the demand for relevant, soft, and technical skills is higher than ever. As a leading CBSE school, APWS recognizes the importance of providing an education that is rich in technology and empowers students to build bright futures.  

3. Greater Career Opportunities 

 Attending APWS, a highly regarded international and CBSE board school, offers students the opportunity to learn additional languages or acquire cross-cultural skills that are highly valued by employers in today’s globalized job market. These skills can be an asset for a wide range of careers, including international business, education, and government service. 

4. Outstanding Educational Facilities 

 High-quality facilities often inspire students to use them in innovative ways. APWS proudly boasts and implements the use of top-notch amenities and facilities as part of the educational approach for all age groups. As a respected educational institution, APWS embraces every innovation and trend that helps to improve and build a better future for their students. 

5. Affordable Higher Education Costs 

When discussing providing young people with a top-quality education, many parents are concerned about the costs and fees. At APWS, we ensure that our fee structure is affordable while also covering the necessary costs for the school to function effectively. The fee structure is transparent, and many students may also be eligible for scholarships based on additional merit. 


Bangalore is known for its high-quality education and is home to renowned and leading CBSE schools in various academic and professional fields such as information technology and bioinformatics. Asia Pacific World School has consistently excelled in classroom education and provides students with a top-notch opportunity.  APWS helps to prepare kids to be responsible individuals and patriotic citizens by providing them with the resources they need to maximize their potential and talents. If you are seeking the best CBSE school in Bangalore, we recommend visiting Asia Pacific World School today. 

Positive and Negative Impact of Technology on Children

Laptops, tablets, and phones are just a few examples of the technologies that surround us and are enhancing research, medicine, and education. Technology’s growing influence on children’s lives has both positive and negative effects. Although technology is neutral, it has the potential to be helpful or detrimental, and determining how technology affects children becomes more difficult as technology evolves. 

Whether we like it or not, kids will use technology. It is a cohesive, important, unavoidable, and valuable component of our reality. Although technology has many useful aspects, it can also have negative repercussions. In this blog, we will discuss various positive and negative effects of technology on kids.  

What Are the Positive Effects of Technology on Kids? 

1. It is a source of information. 

Today’s students are different than those who studied before the internet revolution. The learning atmosphere is therefore livelier and more complex. As technology evolves, classrooms are being remodeled to meet the growing needs of contemporary digital learners. The internet has become an essential informational resource. 

Technology helps children increase their knowledge through books, articles, watching informational videos and other helpful resources online. Technology helps children become independent and self-assured as learners. 

2. Strengthens their capacity for problem-solving. 

Problem-solving skills are an essential part of a child’s development, as they enable kids to tackle challenges and find solutions to problems on their own. These skills can help kids develop critical thinking abilities, creativity, and decision-making skills, which are all important for success in school and in life. In addition, problem-solving skills can help kids become more resilient and adaptable, as they learn how to cope with challenges and find creative solutions. By developing problem-solving skills in kids, we can help them become more independent and confident in their ability to tackle problems and challenges as they arise. 

3. Encourages social engagement 

Social media platforms improve the capacity of kids to interact with people in their social circle. Children nowadays gain more self-assurance and get ready for upcoming social marketing possibilities thanks to social media. 

Children can perform a variety of crucial tasks online via social networking sites. They can connect with friends and family, meet new people, share photos, and have discussions. By enabling middle school and high school students to collaborate on homework and group projects, social media also improves learning opportunities. 

4. It fosters creativity 

The imaginations of youngsters cannot be restrained. Kids today have access to laptops, iPads, and so much more to help them make those ideas a reality. 

Yes, kids still use pens and paper, but nowadays they can also use technology to create a 3D animation rather than a picture. They work hard to use their minds more creatively and to try out new things. Their capacity for learning is enhanced, which will help them perform better in the future. 

5. Promotes empowerment and independence. 

Early education is now much more accessible than it was to previous generations because of online informational resources. Due to the abundance of internet resources, children can now conduct research without going to a physical library. Children are more inclined to conduct additional investigation and develop novel lines of thought when they can find the answers to their queries. This approach can support youngsters’ growth in terms of independence, academic self-assurance, and enthusiasm in learning new things. 

What are some Negative Effects of Technology on Children? 

Here is a list of top disadvantages of technology for kids-  

1. Behavioral and emotional problems. 

Children sometimes have a strong desire to be like their heroes or friends. When they can’t get together or carry out what they see on TV, it may make them feel inadequate and inferior.  

Online communities can serve as breeding grounds for hatred. Children can experience emotional abuse thanks to the internet. Social media and technology can be used by kids and teenagers to bully other youngsters without ever really meeting them. Cyberbullying is the term used to describe this behavior. Even with younger students, it is typical. Tracking how your child is using the internet and other technologies can help you keep your child safe from digital threats and negative impacts.  

2. Concerns about safety and exposure to explicit material. 

Exposure to explicit material is the most concerning result of children using technology unsupervised. It’s astonishing how much explicit content is available online. Children will therefore have much easier access to such material if they have unsupervised access to tachnology. 

Most websites that feature this kind of content don’t impose any limitations on viewers’ ages. Children might therefore easily see them. Furthermore, if you haven’t adequately taught your child about fundamental online safety, harmful people can easily coerce minors into giving indecent photos or financial and security information. 

3. Reduced sleep quality 

Kids now have access to digital content 24/7 because of the portable gadgets like smartphones and tablets. Rather than resting, some children would stay up all night responding to SMS and messages. Children require a lot of sleep because both physical and mental health depend on it. A restful night’s sleep aids growth, enhances heart health, affects weight, lengthens attention span, and even aids in academic performance. Two of the downsides of technology include misuse and a lack of understanding of how much technology is “too much.” Make sure to monitor and set limits on your kids’ digital use. 

4. Weakened social skills. 

Children of the new generation use Facebook to chat, browse websites, and play online games. The constant use of technology can impede the growth of fundamental social skills. Making good eye contact, reading and interpreting facial expressions, and taking turns in conversations are all examples of social skills. It’s not that time spent online is bad, but excessive spending time online might disrupt the link between parents and children and hinder children’s social skill development. 


Protecting and fostering Children’s Digital Environments is extremely important. As much as it is necessary for parents to help their kids leverage technology, it is also important for them to monitor, track and explain all the digital activities that their kids do.  

Technology develops so quickly that parents and educators rarely have time to think about how the types of technology children interact with and the circumstances in which those interactions take place may benefit or harm their development and well-being. However, when most kids are at school, home, or playing, technology continues to play a bigger role in their lives. Technology used wisely can improve a child’s education and other facets of life. 

Children can benefit from technology, but too much exposure might have negative effects. By limiting their screen time, you can reduce the likelihood of this happening. Follow your child’s recommended daily schedule and the recommendations of your pediatrician. Monitor their screen time, exercise, and social interaction. Parenting successfully requires harmony, moderation, and oversight. 


Which Factors Influence the Choice of CBSE School for Admissions in Bangalore?

Making the best decisions as a parent to give your child a high-quality education can be difficult. It takes considerable effort and research to choose the greatest education board, and some parents might find it challenging to choose what is ideal for their kids.

Because of its adaptability and versatility, the Central Board of Secondary Education, or CBSE, has long been the chosen option for many. One of the best schools in Bangalore for exploring the adaptability of CBSE by creating a rigorous CAIE and a CBSE-Hybrid board is New Horizon International School. This post will educate you on the benefits of CBSE and how it may be really helpful for your young learner if you are having trouble choosing the best education board for your child.

Most Important Factors to Look for When Looking for A CBSE School In Bangalore –  

Qualified Teachers-

Choose a school that has teachers that are well-educated, qualified, and who foster a supportive learning atmosphere for the pupils. Pick a school that keeps its instructors up-to-date with the most effective teaching methods by offering frequent workshops and training. Think about keeping the student-teacher ratio low to ensure that each student receives the time and care they deserve. Make sure the institution gives its instructors sufficient training in all facets of schooling.

Location and Time- 

As it counts, you might give these factors more importance. The distance from your home to the school shouldn’t be too great. The location shouldn’t be in remote, isolated places and should be simple to get to.

Considering the pupils’ health and the degree of pollution, the school shouldn’t be close to an area that is heavily contaminated. A child shouldn’t have to travel far between home and school. Check in advance to see if the school provides transportation for this. If both parents are employed, they should make sure that the school day and time correspond. Keep in mind these crucial elements since they will come in handy later.

The School Management-

Your choice may be influenced by the decision-makers themselves, the school administration. Make that the management of the school has necessary educational credentials and sufficient experience in the teaching profession.

Good school administrators are able to handle the problems that arise on a regular basis in running a school. In contrast, unskilled individuals may improperly manage the operations of the school, which will have an impact on the academic performance of the pupils.

Before Completing School Admissions in Bangalore, Check for Its Safety

You undoubtedly want your child to be in a secure setting while they are at school. Every child, regardless of age, should feel safe at school. Give the safety aspect the attention it deserves because your child will be spending almost half the day at school.

Before applying for school in Pune, you can tour the facility to confirm this feature. Open areas for your child to explore, learn, and grow are a sign of a safe atmosphere. Choose a school that adheres to all of the safety regulations as a concerned parent. Send your child without risk to a school that places a strong emphasis on the welfare of the children.

Fee Structure

Money plays a role in all of the key choices we make in life, and quality education is also expensive. Your choice of schools in Pune will be significantly influenced by the annual fee structure of the school.

You might choose to spend more money to send your child to one of the best schools. After all, you want your child to have a successful school and future profession. Find a school that offers all levels of scholarships. You can continue uninterruptedly to give your child a high-quality education in this way. Additionally, a scholarship might benefit your child in a number of ways.

Education Board Affiliation

It is the most important factor in guiding your choice of the school for your child. With board and affiliations, you have a variety of choices. The possibilities were scarce in the past. The Central Board of Secondary Education, or CBSE, is currently one of the most popular choices.

You have a wide range of possibilities in a large city like Pune for your child or children attending a CBSE school. You as a parent could be worried about your child’s performance on the CBSE board. You could wonder whether your child will fit well on this board, if they are receiving additional and co-curricular attention, and more. However, you may unwind knowing that the CBSE board is among the most adaptable systems and is also present in most nations outside of India.

Infrastructure & Facilities

Infrastructure can drive your child to do much better, so you should prioritise it. For kids, learning is more sustainable and friendly with better infrastructure.
Find a school that catches your attention by having a beautiful structure. You can visit a school and see what amenities are available. You can check out the canteens, playgrounds, libraries, and laboratories.


Your child’s future is assured if you choose CBSE for them. It offers the adaptability, approachability, and information a kid needs to develop into a young, enthusiastic learner who enjoys learning. We at Asia Pacific World school offer a special, one-of-a-kind CBSE curriculum to ensure development of your child. One of Bangalore’s top international schools, APWS, adopts a student-centric philosophy, which is why our CBSE curriculum gives each student individualised attention. Being one of the Top CBSE Schools in Bangalore, our classroom is set up with cutting-edge tools and technology.

It’s time to choose the best school for your student. It is time to enrol in APWS! To start enrolling your child in one of Bangalore’s top CBSE schools, click here.

Top 10 Good Habits for Kids in The Classroom

It is entirely our responsibility as parents and teachers to ensure that our children are prepared for success in life. They will undoubtedly pick up some abilities at school, but they will need much more than just academic knowledge if they are to succeed in the real world. They require healthy routines and good habits. That is why it is so important to assist your children in forming positive habits when they are young. You’re preparing kids to navigate day-to-day life much more easily if you make excellent habits a part of their routine before they even realise it.

The Importance of Good Habits for Kids-

  • You Are Your Habits: A person’s personality is defined by their habits.
  • Habits Lay the Foundation for Life: The habits you form while you are young lay the groundwork for your future actions.
  • Building habits in only a few areas while ignoring others will lead to issues in the long run. Habit helps us have a balanced existence.
  • Good habits help you accomplish your objectives: Creating a positive habit within yourself is the first step to success.
  • Good habits help you stay happy throughout your life, which is the key to living a happy existence. It keeps you inspired and motivates you to act morally at all times.

How To Develop Good Habits in Your Child?

The recommendation is to start off slowly when trying to instil healthy behaviours in children. Choose one or two of the list’s habits that your family hasn’t yet adopted, and start there.

You can incorporate a few more as your youngster becomes accustomed to the new routines, and so on. While certain items on the list might take a little longer to get used to than others, your child will soon be rocking them all.

Include as many compliments and awards as you can. Focus on the good rather than the negative because most children like receiving positive feedback. And whenever you can, have fun with it. Sticker chore sheets work great for motivating my kids. They take pleasure in receiving the small gift or reward for a job well done. Additionally, they always help me keep everyone organised and on schedule a little bit easier.

Good Habits for Kids in The Classroom-

Sharing Is Caring-

We must instil in children the value of looking out for others and taking care of things other than themselves in our highly individualistic culture by sharing. Young children are incredibly egocentric. They must be inspired to lend a hand and share their possessions with those in need to inspire a sense of unity and care from a young age.

Punctuality And Obedience-

It’s important to encourage kids to arrive on time for all of their activities which teaches them the importance of time from a very flexible and young age. Eventually this can help your kids to learn time and how time management is important even at such a fragile age.

Developing The Habit Of Listening

It is crucial that the child pay attention and carefully listen to everything that is said in class if they are to understand what is being taught. Being present merely physically is useless. It is important to teach students how to pay attention in class and develop the skill of listening.

Study Daily

It is crucial that kids comprehend the value of regular study time and learning every day. We suggest spending two hours per day studying and revising. The student will benefit from having a greater understanding of what is being taught in class.

The Classroom Is a Temple

The classroom is revered as a sacred space where people go to receive an education and pick up new skills. Therefore, it is necessary to deter students from damaging school property and classrooms. Every piece of equipment should be used by students as if it were their own. This teaches them respect for teachers, education and surroundings.

Not To Litter the Classroom

The proper usage of the dustbins that are provided in the classrooms must be emphasised to the children. Eaten food should not be brought into the classroom.

Not To Bully Others

They must be made aware of how prevalent bullying is in our society and that respecting others is extremely important. They must always be taught to respect and value others. Don’t allow your kids to make fun of others.

Completing The Assignments on Time-

The completion of all homework and other assignments by children must be encouraged. They need to be aware of the importance of fulfilling deadlines, which is indirectly related to time management and punctuality.

Working In Groups-

Every child’s completion of their homework and other assignments has to be rewarded. They must be cute. Working alone versus working in a group has significant differences. Although children may do well individually, they may not be able to fully express their potential in a group setting. Therefore, it is usually advised to teach kids how to collaborate in groups and the value of meeting deadlines.

Use Physical Resources-

Everything in today’s world is moving virtual/online and onto screens. It is important to discourage kids from using these resources frequently. They need to get into the habit of writing and reading printed books and magazines. These sources must only be used to supplement your knowledge.


All these habits can make the world of difference for your child at current and in future. These are some extremely beneficial habits to help your child develop skills and habits that matter from the youngest age possible. If you are concerned about finding the right school for your kids that values these habits like you. Asia Pacific World School commonly known as APWS is here for you. A school that approaches global standards of teaching with the objective of holistic development.

So, hurry now and get your child’s admission done here, to know more, visit- https://www.apws.edu.in/

A Simple Guide to CBSE Skill Education

Education in today’s scenario needs to develop with the changing dynamics of the world. Do you ever think your child is well taught in school to face the real world? A child must learn the skills required for facing the real world. Life skills education is essential because it leads one to deal with different situations at different times and imparts courage and confidence to achieve any goal. These skills are used for practical implications in the real world and are not just theory. 

Definition and Understanding of Life Skill Education

WHO defines life skills as the “ability for adaptive and positive behavior that enables an individual to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of everyday life.” Life Skill Education, defined by UNICEF, is “a behavior change or development approach to address a balance of three areas; knowledge, attitude, and skills.” In simple words, an individual needs specific skills, such as social and personal skills, to interact with the outside world. Skill-based learning is where the students are taught a specific skill that allows them to achieve practical knowledge.

Why is Skill-based Education Important?

We live in a new world where education is not enough, but specific personality development skills are required to grow in life. Since a child spends the maximum time of the day in school, there must be an education system that teaches skills for developing a child’s personality, and what better way to include it in the child’s curriculum? A child needs to learn skills early as it brings out the positive effect and is much needed at this point. 

We live in a competitive world where everyone wants to be number one. While a child only focuses on studies to score the highest academic marks, he eventually lacks skills that could develop his personality and help the child in the future race. Skill-based education system ensures that a child learns life skills and gains knowledge, both included in the same curriculum. 


  • Self-based training to aid weak students in academics
  • Personality development
  • Developing remote skills
  • Developing and recognizing the talents of the child
  • Learn employability skills
  • Understanding diverse career options

What is CBSE Skill Education?

Skill education prepares learners for jobs based on manual or practical activities, traditionally non–academic and related to a specific trade, occupation, or vocation. The board has taken charge of empowering school students with essential life and employability skills. The curriculum provided by the CBSC for skill education comprises topics and subjects to be covered during the course of study during an academic year. It offers 19 skill subjects at the secondary level and 39 skill subjects at the senior secondary level to upgrade the proficiency of the young generation and provide them awareness to explore various options.

Department of Skill Education System


List of Skill Subjects offered by the Board in Middle School (VI/VII/VIII)

  1. Artificial intelligence
  2. Beauty and wellness
  3. Design thinking
  4. Financial literacy
  5. Handicrafts
  6. Information technology
  7. Marketing/Commercial Application
  8. Mass media
  9. Travel and tourism
  10. Coding (new)
  11. Data science (only for class VIII) 

List of Skill Subjects offered by the Board at Secondary Level (IX & X)

  1. Retail
  2. Information technology
  3. Security
  4. Automotive
  5. Introduction to the financial market
  6. Introduction to tourism
  7. Beauty and wellness
  8. Agriculture
  9. Food production
  10. Front office operation
  11. Banking and insurance
  12. Marketing and sales
  13. Health and care
  14. Apparel
  15. Multimedia
  16. Multi-skill foundation course
  17. Artificial intelligence
  18. Physical activity trainer
  19. Data science (new)

List of Skill Subjects offered by the Board at Senior Secondary Level (XI & XII)

  1. Information technology
  2. Web application
  3. Automotive
  4. Financial market management
  5. Agriculture
  6. Food production
  7. Health care
  8. Horticulture
  9. Typography and computer application
  10. Geospatial technology
  11. Electrical technology
  12. Electronic technology
  13. Multimedia
  14. Medical diagnostics
  15. Textile design
  16. Design
  17. Food nutrition and dietetics 
  18. Fashion studies
  19. Yoga
  20. Artificial intelligence
  21. Data science (New)

Skills Education that could help pupils to attain success

A skill-based education system can prepare you to build a professional personality for a better future. Listed below are a few essential skills that are learned during the curriculum:

  • Observational skills 

Observation makes you understand things and learn from reality. The teachers demonstrating scientific concepts can be observed by the student and help in better understanding.

  • Critical thinking skills

Critical thinking skills help in making decisions throughout your curriculum and even in the future when you step into the real world for your employment and other major factors in life.

  • Collaboration skills

By working together in collaboration, a pupil may learn to be tolerant, patient, and respectful towards other people and their opinion and ideas. Students working together on projects can make them understand that teamwork is essential and can develop the skill of collaboration.

  • Communication skills

When each task during your curriculum is assigned to a student, the student to complete the task must interact and communicate, which develops their communication skills.

  • Time management skills

Each and everyone have a lot of things to do and are piled up with work. Eventually, this skill will ensure you manage your time and prioritize work according to your need and requirements. 

  • Research skills

When speaking of research, a student is restricted only to academics but research skills aid in obtaining knowledge about the facts you are curious about. It helps you stay updated with what is happening in and around you. 


Primary education in today’s world is not enough for an individual to be successful. It needs a lot more than a simple education degree to be successful, including skill development. An individual must need good skills for acquiring jobs and running a business. 

Asia Pacific World School (APWS) is ranked in the top 10 International schools in Bangalore by the Time of India, which beliefs in a student-centric approach. Hence their CBSE curriculum provides each student with personalized attention. The school offers a curriculum and facilities of international standards, keeping the children’s needs in a highly competitive and fast-paced environment.

 APWS aids in enhancing the overall moral and personality development of its students in an international environment and provides them with skill subjects introduced by the board. It’s a perfect school for a young child to develop, learn, and grow in a positive environment.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

  1. What is life skill education?

The education provided by the school curriculum enhances the student’s skills so that the student can be ready to face the real world and make decisions in different circumstances.

  1. Why is skill-based education important?

It is essential because it enhances and develops the art of learning and helps to grow academically and in the modern world. It allows an individual to attain practical knowledge and use their skills learnt during their education to tackle the problems they might face in the future.

  1. What is the purpose of skill development?

Developing skills can contribute to an individual’s structural transformation by enhancing employability in their life. It places the learning ownership in the students’ hands and helps them restrict the big gap in understanding.

  1. What are the advantages of using skill-based education as a curriculum?

It allows students to solve issues and problems independently, which helps their creative thinking. They develop problem-solving and analytical skills, allowing them to build their independent approach to different problems.

  1. Which method is used for skill-based education?

Vocational skills through experimentation would be the most appropriate method as it is grounded in the practical way of constructing knowledge.

The Important of Sports in a Student’s Life

Sports have always been viewed as a way to stay healthy. It is a very crucial part of a student’s growth and development. Playing sports teaches and develops skills such as teamwork, accountability, self-confidence, responsibility, and self-discipline. Sports in school help students face life challenges as it enhances their physical and mental abilities, helping them achieve their goals. The training in sports begins right from school and helps build mutual trust and corporation among the students from a very young age. 

 Many famous personalities who were very good in their studies and also secured good jobs decided to make a career in sports as they had a passion for it. Sportspersons like Shikha Pandey and Rahul Dravid had bachelor’s degrees in Accounts and Engineering, respectively. 

Sports And Games Enhance A Social Relationship

When a student is engaged in sports, he learns teambuilding, cooperation, and bonds with the other team players. When a student plays a sport, a student must know that a sportsman needs to work in a team, building social relationships with other team players. Social connection is an essential parameter of life. It is important for an individual to have a social relationship as an individual living in a society and to live in a community that builds a social relationship with others. Playing sports and excelling in them will allow you to meet new people and have a social relationships with them. It helps you make a connection that may benefit you in some way or another.

Sports Helps In Team building Skills

Some games and sports are played in school but the most common sports we find in every school are team sports which are cricket, football, basketball, etc. all these games must be played in teamwork. These games teach leadership, team building, patience, discipline, failure, etc., and can only be learned if team sports are played regularly. Sports will always play a vital role in a student’s skill-building and personality development. Playing sports in school will build your personality and help in tea-building, which helps in the future during your employment. 

Students Have A Great Career In Sports

Generally, students are not so good with academics but excel in sports. A career in Sports is a perfect option if you passionately and dedicatedly work hard for it. Cricketers like M.S. Dhoni, Virat Kohli, and Sachin Tendulkar are some famous sportsmen who made their careers in sports by playing every day for hours since childhood and working really hard. All those sportspeople had that passion and dedication to play and make a career out of it. Today they are the famous personalities an individual looks up to for motivation. Never force a child to study academics as that is not the only thing that will give him a bright future. If your child loves to play sports, encourage him to do that, and he can make a career. Numerous sports are played in India, and an Indian can play those sports and represent India at the International level. Those sports include cricket, badminton, kabaddi, tennis, and others.

Sports Are Directly Proportional To The Health

By indulging a student in sport, a student can get the best exercise which helps in maintaining overall fitness. Playing sports for some time can get you proper health. Regularly playing sports can prevent chronic diseases, help develop a healthy heart and strong bones, and enhance lung function. Playing sports keeps you from getting weak and lazy and keeps you fit and healthy. Sports is a kind of activity that increases your self-esteem, builds good stamina, and is usually very effective when played from a very young age since a child has good grasping power. Sports help make the excellent health status of the country’s citizens, which contributes to a higher standard of living.

Sports eliminates stress

 The responsibility falls on schools and educational institutions to introduce students to new sports in their early days. As a child spends maximum time in school, the school must encourage students to play sports. The school’s duty is not just limited to developing our minds with academics but also expanding our physical body with sports. Each student is stressed during schooldays as every child wants to perform best in academics. Sports help eliminate stress as sports improve a student’s mental, physical, and psychological development. 

Sports can be a medicine to deal with stress without affecting the mental and physical health of the student. Stress usually leads to wrongdoing. Playing sports helps the student to release stress and makes a student stress and tension free. Paying for sports can remove the tension one has and can clear one’s mind.


A student needs to indulge in different physical activities while in school. A school must have a curriculum that has sports as a mandatory activity. Sport in a student’s life plays a vital role in shaping the body and mind of the student. It helps to build self-confidence and boost self-esteem. 

Asia Pacific World School (APWS) is ranked 10th among the best International schools in Bangalore by the Time of India, which beliefs in a student-centric approach. Hence their CBSE curriculum provides each student with personalized attention. The school offers a curriculum and facilities of international standards, keeping the children’s needs in a highly competitive and fast-paced environment. 

Physical Education is an integral part of the school program. APWS believes in developing the child’s physique through various indoor and outdoor sports facilities. Children from all grades enjoy playing football, basketball, and all other outdoor sports. Indoor games such as chess, snooker/billiards, and table tennis enhance the spirit of competitiveness in our children. It ensures all the sports offered to cater to various interests and development.




Tips to Encourage Children to Do Their Homework

Is your child constantly swamped with work, homework, and assignments? If you are a parent whose child often ran away from doing homework and came to you with a puppy face, this article will be helpful. Here we have covered some tips to determine how to engage your complete completing their upcoming tasks before the deadline. You have to deal with when your child isn’t highly motivated in their studies.

As parents, you are not alone in your suffering and experience. How do you cope with your child’s rage without criticizing them for not doing their homework? We must first examine the attitudes toward homework that children of various temperaments and personalities hold, as well as the reasons why they do not find it worthwhile to do. All these tactics will help engage your child to do homework.

Importance of Doing Homework on Time?

Homework is a means to remind yourself of what your child has learned in class. Homework helps young children acquire essential abilities that will benefit them throughout their school and career lives. Suppose homework is completed with complete focus and concentration.

In that case, it will aid in improving your child’s grades, discipline, time management, concentration capacity, and enhanced communication skills. These well-honed habits will guide your youngster down a successful path and open doors to new opportunities. Regular homework is an essential aspect of a child’s future success. The child must enjoy learning to appreciate doing homework.

Encourage your child’s promising future by promoting frequent homework, and helping them with their homework and assignments can be your first move toward their future. You can also use some pointers to assist your child with homework.

Let’s take a look at a few of them.

Tips to Get Your Kids to Do Their Homework

Are you stressed out by your child’s conflicts and arguments when you urge them to finish their homework? However, such quarrels and clashes also upset your child and contribute to their lack of confidence. And your child’s lack of motivation contributes to their poor grades. It’s critical to take an active role in ensuring the child not only completes but also enjoys doing homework, as this could cause poor performance and lag. They may be only completing their homework but not fulfilling the goal of doing homework.

Provide Your Child With Positive Encouragement

Providing your youngster with positive reinforcement is essential. Encourage your child at all times. Even if they make a mistake, by telling them, they can repair it if they strive hard enough. Reward them in some way after they finish their work. Small rewards, such as trips to the store, chocolates, or more play time, have been shown to help boost your child’s motivation.

Motivation is important

Encourage them to finish their work quietly and lovingly, as being harsh with them would demotivate them further. So be compassionate with them and try to overlook their negative attitude toward you at the time. By hugging them and saying a few complimenting words, tell them that you always praise their hard effort.

Believe in Your Child

Believe in your child by showing them that you believe in them. Never make them feel unworthy, as if they are incapable of doing anything or as if they are a frail child who has never worked. This will demotivate them and cause them tension. Make them believe that you only want to help them with their assignments and that you believe in them and that they will succeed one day. Tell them that you feel they can do anything and deal with any consequences. Tell them you’re always there for them.

Make a schedule for completing homework

Maintaining a routine might also be beneficial. Make a schedule for your youngster. Make time for him to do his assignments. Make an effort to have your youngster sit for homework simultaneously every day. Reduce their screen time if their grades are decreasing, or they are failing so they can focus on their work. Make them aware that they will not be able to participate in weekend activities unless they finish their schoolwork.

Make homework a technology-free time

Make it a rule that your child does not use an electrical device while completing homework, no chatting, and no usage of a computer for calculations, research, or typing an assignment.

Ensure all necessary materials are available

While doing homework, ensure they have all of the appropriate stationery, because going through and picking up things one by one or between jobs creates a commotion. Design a pouch or a container to store all of their stationary objects in place, and ensure that they carry that container with them when doing schoolwork.

Allow your children to take a break if needed

Allow your child to take short rests. Don’t put pressure on them to finish their homework in one sitting. They will become frustrated if you compel them to listen to you. Allow your child 10-15 minutes of rest in between activities. Tell them to take a break before returning to work.

Intervene Without Taking Control

Your child will be given homework to test themselves to see if they understood the lesson taught in class today. You enter the picture when they cease putting forth effort in their academics, and their grades begin to decline. That you smoothly regain control and teach your child that it is your responsibility to assist them in completing their homework and assignments on time.

Begin sitting with them as they complete their assignments. They’re monitoring. Once they’ve finished, go through their work with them. Once they’ve regained their composure and are back on track, give them your support and only allow them to do their assignment once they’ve reviewed it.

Establishing Expectations, Rewards, and Consequences

In front of your child, you must explicitly outline expectations, rewards, and consequences. Your children must understand what you anticipate from them in terms of schoolwork. Settle down with them and explain how much they should score, what will benefit them and their future, what their obligations should be, and how they may meet your expectations.

Maintain a pleasant tone and establish boundaries with your youngster. Tell them about the repercussions they will face if they do not concentrate on their studies or do not perform well in school. Allow them to face the consequences on their own, and then teach them that this was their error and that they made a mistake.


Getting your children to do their homework with full concentration and regularly is an excellent habit to instill in them. It will also help them develop strong learning habits in the future. As we all know, obtaining excellent marks and completing homework is not why you send your kid to school.

Your child’s first learning environment was school, where they learned how to sit with strangers, interact with them, and interact with family members. Every child’s life is intertwined with the school. Your child’s fundamental general knowledge is established at school. Your youngster will learn most of their life’s lessons in school. So your child’s attendance at a decent school is crucial. APWS (Asia Pacific World School) in Bangalore provides all of the facilities, as well as good infrastructure and management, to our students for a meager cost.

APWS is ranked among Bangalore’s finest international schools. Our administration focuses not only on providing excellent lectures, knowledge, and academic classes but also on extracurricular activities and the latent talents of each student. We also provide opportunities for all our students to perform and showcase their hidden talents. Our pupils are not only equipped with good infrastructure but also with a safe campus. We will ensure that you are never disappointed.

Please visit our website https://www.apws.edu.in/ for additional information about admission procedures and school curriculum.

How to Choose the Right CBSE School in Bangalore?

Choosing a CBSE school may sound easy, but the right choice is not easy at all. For parents, choosing the best CBSE school for their child is very important and challenging. Since it is a decision that will affect their child’s future, they have to consider several factors like location and faculty before deciding which would be the best CBSE school for their child.

The CBSE Board has been a popular choice because of its systemic method of curriculum and education. The CBSE-affiliated schools are all the same because they are all commanded to follow the guidelines and the curriculum stated by the Central Board of Education. Also, the CBSE follows the syllabus that has the basics of every national exam like JEE, NEET, CUCET, JEE Advance, etc.

A good education can make a difference in their future social and professional life, so parents must choose the right School for their children. That’s why here we will try to make things easier for you by highlighting tips on choosing the right CBSE school in Bangalore.

What is  CBSE Education Board?

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is an Indian national-level board. Several Indian government and private schools are run under this banner. All schools affiliated with the CBSE follow the same curriculum, i.e., the NCERT curriculum, especially for secondary classes 9 to 12. The CBSE curriculum aids students’ overall development because it is designed so that students learn about moral knowledge while their brains develop and they become familiar with general concepts.

CBSE aims to introduce its students to each subject so they can choose a stream based on their knowledge and interests in 11 and 12 grades. The CBSE board students can easily prepare for exams like NDA, NEET, JEE, JEE Advance, AFCAT, etc. CBSE’s syllabus is designed so that students cover half of the syllabus of these national exams with basics only in 11 and 12 standards.

Tips to Choose the Best CBSE School in Bangalore

Being a parent is not easy. Making big decisions that affect your kids’ future might be hectic sometimes. When choosing a school for your kids, it’s also a big task because it’s human nature to get confused over everything. A CBSE school can be proven a good choice in such cases. Every School with a CBSE board is similar, but you can differentiate between them in such kinds of situations also. As CBSE has the same curriculum for every CBSE affiliated School, it’s upon the School to convey the curriculum in the best possible way to their students.

So, here are some ways you can judge the School and choose the best CBSE school in Bangalore for your child.

Good Academic Reputation

Check whether the School you are choosing for your child has an excellent academic reputation or not. The good academic reputation of the School encourages the child to perform well in academics. Many reputable good CBSE schools work hard to get their students accepted into good coaching. Based on the child’s interest and performance, which can help the child in cracking national-level competitive exams.

Early Year Programs offers by the School

Early-year programs play a vital role in enriching child’s reading, learning, and many other skills. It helps children to make their foundation strong for their future. CBSE schools run many early-year programs to enrich their students’ writing and learning skills. It’s their curriculum part only.

Multidisciplinary Learning Approach

Many schools in Bangalore have adopted several new learning methods and environments according to the changing generation. The schools have analyzed their students’ choices and interests and made changes accordingly. Multidisciplinary learning is a part of the CBSE curriculum too. It is also necessary for students as it builds up critical thinking, key skills, teamwork choices, analytical skills, and many more things that make them feel self-worthy. So you must check whether the school approaches multidisciplinary learning or not.

Believe in theory and practical knowledge

Practical knowledge is also as important as theoretical knowledge because jobs are served on skills in today’s era. Having practical knowledge opens various doors for a person to multiple opportunities. Having practical knowledge is essential for one to survive in life. Check to see if the school you are considering can provide your child with practical knowledge.

Handles Important Transitions from One Level to Another

Every standard has its importance. From Class 8 onwards, CBSE schools start providing subject knowledge at a core level to their students. They start preparing their students on a serious note to face all the changes and choices they must make after 10 standards. They ensure that their students don’t make any mistakes because of a lack of knowledge. So you must check on the transition level of a particular school.

Focus on Emotional and Social Development?

The best curriculum doesn’t prove to be meaningful if your child is lacking in emotional intelligence and social development. Do you think it’s essential for you to choose a school with a good environment as it plays a vital role in your child’s social development and understanding? On the other hand, it’s really important that the school you choose also works on their students’ emotional values, making them understand their future responsibilities and helping them be empathetic citizens of their country.

Do They Support Inclusivity?

Every child is different in every way. Some children have the same learning and catching curves as others. Some are fast learners, some are mid-learners, and some need many different ways to learn and catch things. So check with the school whether the school has different faculty for different kinds of students. Does the school treat every student according to the nature and understanding power of a student?

Offers an overall development

School is where a child gets most of his life’s learning. So it’s important to choose a school that offers overall development for your child. The school must be of that type that it can connect with your child and understand them at a personal level because your child’s development needs to know their unique talent. After all, every child is talented in some way.

These are some essential points on which you can judge whether the CBSE school you are choosing is suitable for your child or not. So it would help if you chose a CBSE school that is good in the terms mentioned above because a good school plays a vital role in your child’s overall development.

There are various CBSE schools in Bangalore which provide suitable academic classes with multiple learning opportunities. APWS (Asia Pacific World School) of Bangalore is also one of them, but APWS is the best to choose in many ways. It stands in the list of the top international schools in Bangalore with a CBSE curriculum. It believes in integrity, integration, innovation, and excellence.

APWS management and curriculum focus on students’ academic classes and several different activities and learning. It also gives its students a chance to showcase their talent on national and international levels. Our management takes care of students’ mental growth while taking care of their physical and behavioral growth. APWS management not only provides a vast safe campus to its students. Also, APWS provides multidisciplinary learning with the best infrastructure at low expenses and fees.

For more information on admission procedures, school curriculum, or other queries, please visit our website  https://www.apws.edu.in/.